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我明白了!!!今晚親看到哥哥真的很想滿足我的所求,真的很想,真的認真他的承諾,皆因血濃於水。主耶稣説:「你們縱然不善,尚且知道把好的東西給你們的兒女, 何況你們在天之父, 豈不更將好的賜與求衪的人? 」當我們求耶稣時,有時我們或許會問耶稣你不愛我嗎? 為什麼不答我的所求? 今晚經歷再度啓發我,耶稣没有離棄我們,祂給我們的一定是最好,我們要懂得交托,信赖主的慈悲。



Sharing on Eastern Europe and Medjugorje Pilgrimage 2011

This Pilgrimage to me is looked alike a pilgrimage along River Danube as most of the countries we visited are located along River Danube. In this Pilgrimage three cities which we visited are my long term dream. They are Salzburg, Mariazell Shine and the Infant Jesus of Prague. For Salzburg it is a city of dreams, green hills with lots of romantic gardens. This is also the place where the motion picture "Sound of Music" was shot forty years ago.  When I first arrived Salzburg all my mind was full of the beautiful songs of that motion picture. Having seen all locations I had a little bit despair as the whole movie was taken sector by sector from different locations and then merged together after the shooting was completed. The whole movie was actually not taken in one place. In spite of this the beautiful scenery did compensate me a lot. On the other hand Salzburg also contains a wealth of information of the famous pianist Mozart. We did come over to his birth place yet it was a bit late the museum was closed thus we couldn't enter his home. It was enthusiasm of the religious feeling and faith of treally a bit sad for us as visitors.

Nestled high in the Alpine mountain of Austria, where the most well known Shrine of Our Lady of Mariazell is located.  This even attracted the first non-Austrian pilgrim who was the prince of Hungry to have his Pilgrimage here. The miraculous statue is housed inside the Chapel of Miracles. It is a Romanesque wooden figure of a seated Virgin Mary holding the Child Christ.  

Whereas the  statue of the Infant Jesus is located inside the Church of Our Lady of Victory in the Lesser Town district of Prague. Pilgrims all over the world come here to pray for help, healing or peace. I myself do pray for the safety of our trip throughout the Pilgrimage.

All these three places have been captured my mind for quite a long time. Through this Pilgrimage my long time dream came true.


In most part of our Eastern Europe Pilgrimage we visited a lot of churches they all have beautiful decoration and tremendous structure. Yet we hardly meet any parishioners. By the time when they first built those parishioners around the area donated lots of money to have them built. But now they stand lonely among hills. Most of them now become purely tourist attraction points. The people of those good old days seems to be gone forever or totally become freezing. This makes me feel very sad. I do agree with what Fr. Chan’s saying this is really good mirror to us and we should learn an important lesson from this. We need to keep up our parishioners and attract more new comers to our four Chinese Parishes in the Greater Toronto. Otherwise as time goes by we may fall in the same situation as those churches in Eastern Europe 


By the time when we enter Medjugorje it gives me a feeling of returning home to meet my Mother. I feel very comfortable and happy. In this visit to Medjugorje, I was so blessed to witness the power of God and the tenderly care from our Heavenly Mother.  I had been weak but was strengthened by our Lord’s merciful love. May our Lord and our Heavenly Mother be with us all the time! Under their umbrella what should I fear?

After all this is really a fruitful trip I learn a lot! Yet I do pray to Our Lord and Our Heavenly Mother to continuously increase my faith and prolong to all the people around me and let them do receive the Grace and salvation from Our Lord.          

James Shek 











當我參加了去年的朝聖團, 我真的有一些改變.  我開始從頭再去閱讀聖經.  雖然記性己大不如前, 但總算是温故知新.

祈禱也成為我每天生活的一部份.  我把歡樂或憂傷的事情, 都一一向天主禀上.  在祈禱中, 我會光榮天主, 讚美天主.  求主恩賜及感謝主恩, 漸漸地跟天主的距離一天又一天的拉近了.

今年我又再參加啦!!  之前我也經過一番抉擇.  但是有一天我找不到香港身份証, 當然又再祈求失物主保 ----聖安多尼代禱.  在尋找的過程中竟然讓我看到Divine Mercy Faustina  修女的小冊子, 也正是一個啓示, 要我到這個地方走一趟.  當我閱讀完畢, 終於想起身份証放在自己也難找到的地方我找到了足已証明聖安多尼又在我身上行了奇蹟, 也要帶領我去尋找耶穌基督的真理

